"God's Special Gifts to Me"





あなたにおくる おはなしのほん




なかがわ まき さま





"God's Special Gifts to Me"

was created especially for
Takuya Nagkagawa
at the age of 6

with love from

Mommy and Daddy

April 1, 2002

かみさまは ちきゅうと そこにある 
すべてのものを つくりました。
はなや き どうぶつたちや と り むしも

そして かみさまは 
なかがわまきも つくりました。
We are God's children. He loves
you, Takuya Nakagawa. God made us and
loves us all.
Because God cares about you,
Takuya, He watches over everything you
do in Fukiage Town. He watches you
wherever you go.
God is happy that you like
playing with Syoko,Miho and Toshi. He is pleased
when you are kind to others.
たのしいことや おもしろいこと
そして しょうこちゃんや、みほちゃんや、

まきちゃんにとって たいせつなひとも 
Takuya, you live in a wonderful
world full of interesting and beautiful
creations from God. Some of God's
gifts are things you see, smell, hear,
taste, or touch and feel. You enjoy
these gifts by using your five senses.
At times, these senses do not work
as they should. If a child cannot see
or hear well, God often makes the other
senses work even better. God loves all
His children!
This is a marvelous place that God
has created for us, Takuya. There are so
many amazing things for you to enjoy
with Syoko,Miho and Toshi.
あかるく あたたかく くらせるように 
かみさまは たいようを つくりました。
そして くらいよるを ちょっぴり あかるくする 
つきや ほしも つくりました。
God gave you eyes to see, Takuya.
During your day, you can see the
rising sun, smiling faces, fluttering
butterflies, blooming flowers,
floating clouds and colorful rainbows.
At the end of your glorious day,
you see the setting sun, the rising
moon and the twinkling stars. Some
evenings, you can also see blinking
fireflies or lie safely tucked in bed
and watch lightning flash across the
God paints such a beautiful
picture for you each and every day,
Takuya! Please take time to enjoy His
もう まきちゃんは、いろんなことが

おうちで まきちゃん
どんな おてつだいが できますか?
With the nose that God has given
to you, Takuya, you are able to smell
many things. Some are good. Some may
not be so pleasant. You can smell
animals at the zoo, the farm or at your
Takuya, you have plant smells in the
outdoors. Some of nature's scents are
climbing roses, pine trees, honeysuckle
vines and freshly cut grass.
God also gave us mouth-watering
food smells. We have pineapples,
lemons, oranges and strawberries. How
many more can you think of, Takuya?
ちきゅうには あなたのことが 
だいすきなひとが たくさんいます。
そのひとたちは もしかしたら 
かみさまから まきちゃんへの
There are many happy sounds in the
world, Takuya. God gave you ears to hear
all of them.
His animals can talk to you and to
each other. Have you listened to what
they say, Takuya? Puppies bark, kittens
meow, ponies whinny, cows moo, ducks
quack and birds chirp.
Some of the best sounds are
grandparents telling or reading a
story, children laughing and people
singing. Sounds of nature include the
trees rustling in the breeze, a
babbling brook in the forest and the
clap of thunder in a rainstorm.

だいすきなひとたちと いっしょだと、

おともだちと なかよしでいると、
とっても しあわせ。

The sense of taste is an incredible
gift from God. What would the world be
like if you were not able to taste
things, Takuya?
Would you miss biting into a juicy
apple, orange, peach or a crunchy nut?
What if you could not taste salt water
at the beach or stick out your tongue
to catch a raindrop or a snowflake?
Aren't you glad that you can do
these things? The sense of taste is
really magnificent, Takuya, especially
when you are hungry! ! !

そんなときは なにもかも

でも「ごめんね」って ゆるしあうと、
きっとまた うまくいくように なるものよ。
God gave us not only our hands
but also our whole body with which
to touch His miracles. How grand it
is to be able to feel so much
throughout your day, Takuya!
Your favorite touches are
probably the hugs and kisses you
give and receive. It is nice to
feel the wind on your skin, the soft
fur of a pet, a smooth rock and even
the heart beating in your body.
Close your eyes, Takuya, and
imagine other things you would like
to touch. What would they be? What
do you see - in your mind?
わたしたち みんなが なかよくすることって 
とってもたいせつな ことよね。
たくさんの おもいやりと すこしのがまん 
まきちゃんなら できるわね。
Because God loves you so much,
Takuya, He gives you other gifts. You
could call them spiritual gifts from
These gifts are special because
they help you to enjoy every day of
your life more. You keep these gifts
in your thoughts and your heart
forever, Takuya.
Some of these gifts are love and
kindness, happiness and joy, faith and
patience, truth and wisdom,
forgiveness, and the gift of prayer.
These gifts help you to get along
better with other people, such as
Syoko,Miho and Toshi.
だれかが こまっていたら
まきちゃん たすけてあげてね。
そうすれば まきちゃんが こまっているときにも 
きっとだれかが たすけてくれるわ。
God loves you, Takuya. He wants you
to love everyone. When you love Him,
your heart is filled with His love.
You can share His gift of love with
Love is kind. You show your love
for others with kindness. Takuya, can
you remember some of the times when you
were nice to Syoko,Miho and Toshi?
You must learn to treat others the
way you want them to treat you. This
is called living by the Golden Rule.
しょうわく ふきあげちょう
まきちゃんの おうちは 
とっても あたたかな ばしょでしょ。
かわいがって くれるでしょ。
まきちゃんも かぞくを たいせつにして 
そんけい しなくちゃいけないわね。 
Takuya, God also gives you the
gifts of happiness and joy to share
with Syoko,Miho and Toshi. When you do good
deeds, those around you are happy.
God is happy with all His
children, especially when they say
and do nice things. When you smile
and have happy thoughts, you have
happiness in your heart.
It will bring you joy, Takuya, to
bring joy to others. This feeling of
joy comes from knowing that God always
loves you. There is great joy in
being one of God's children!
ときには がまんすることも

じぶんが ほしいものを おともだちに 
でも そのおともだちも 
Takuya, faith and patience are two
gifts that might be a little hard for
you to understand. Faith is trust.
God wants you to be faithful and
believe in Him. You can't see Him with
your eyes, but He is always there with
Have you ever wanted something
''right now,'' Takuya, but you couldn't
have it? Maybe you wanted a new toy;
however, you had to wait until a
special day to get it. That is
We must have faith and patience to
believe that God knows what is best for
us. God has a purpose for your life,
Takuya, and for everyone.
いたずらをして しっぱいしてしまうことも 
ひとりで なやんでいないで 
Truth and wisdom are two more
gifts for you, Takuya. God gave you a
brain and a heart to know the
difference between right and wrong.
When you respect, obey and love God,
He will teach you many things.
Your family also helps you learn
the rules that God wants you to
follow. Do you think it is right or
wrong to take something that doesn't
belong to you? Do you believe it is
okay with God if you lie, Takuya?
Always try to be honest and
truthful, Takuya. God is sad when any
of His children do something they
know or feel is wrong. God is happy
to help you do the right thing.
こまったら かみさまに

まきちゃんのこえが すごくちいさくて 
ほかのだれにも きこえなくても、
かみさまには ちゃんときこえているのよ。
What would your life be like,
Takuya, if you did not have the gift of
forgiveness? The words "I'm sorry'"
are very special when someone says
them to you or when you say them to
Did Syoko,Miho and Toshi ever make you really
angry? When you forgive a person,
your heart is filled with God's love
and it shows.
We all make mistakes, Takuya. Only
God is perfect! If you do something
wrong, tell God and ask Him to forgive
you. God is always ready to forgive
you because He loves you and cares
about you.
いつでもどこでも できるものなの。
ねるまえに おいのりをするひとも

あなたは いつ かみさまと おはなしがしたい?
Takuya, one of God's greatest gifts
is the gift of prayer. Do you know
what prayer is? It is talking to God
in your own way, either out loud or in
your thoughts.
There are many times that we can
pray to God each day. Are you thankful
when you eat your food? Tell Him!
Have you ever felt afraid, Takuya? You
can pray to God, and you won't feel
alone. You will know that He is with
you. Before you go to sleep, end your
day with a special prayer of thanks.
You can talk to God about
anything, Takuya. He listens, and He is
always there for you.

こんなふうに おいのりをしているの。
「いま、わたしは ねむろうとしています。
こころを しずめて いのります。
かみさま、よるじゅう ずっとそばに

そして あさひといっしょに おこしてください。」

Takuya, this is a special bedtime
prayer that many little boys and girls
say each night:

Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
God, go with me through
the night,
And wake me with Your
morning light.

Author unknown

あさ はやおきして
おそらを みあげてみましょう。
とっても きもちが いいものよ。

かぞくや いっしょにあそぶともだち、
ぜんぶ かみさまからの おくりもの・・・・・・

God created Heaven and Earth.

God created the animals and plants.

God created you,
Takuya Nagkagawa.

God is happy with all of His
creations, especially you!


かみさまに おはなし したいこと








Takuya Nagkagawa

1. Religious Faith

2. Religious Teacher

3. Place of Worship

4. Favorite Song or Hymn

5. Favorite Religious Activity

6. Favorite Scripture Verse